L - Lists

Lists. Seem like a bit of a weird thing to write a whole post about but it's how I live.

I've just made a list of everything I need to do tomorrow - it's a massive list for sure but crossing things off a list makes me feel like I've achieved something and really gives me a sense of satisfaction.

I often make lists, they're all over my room and my laptop screen in covered in sticky notes of lists...how can people be organised without lists? I just don't get it!

How would I have thought of things to write about for the A to Z challenge if there was no list after all?!


  1. This blog post caught my attention, after searching for "L-Lists" on Twitter.

    L-Lists is a collaborative list making website, where people can create and contribute to online lists. For example:

    List of sites like YouTube

    List of Blogging Sites Like WordPress and Blogspot

    List of Indian Science Fiction Films

    List of Games Like Tetris

    List of Political Spectrum Tests (like Political Compass)


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