Day 6: What Are You Afraid Of?

I had to think about this for a while and even had to ask the boyfriend what I am afraid of. He came up with a very good response..
Growing old.

This is something that scares me for a few reasons. The possible health problems I may have is a big reason. Genetically I know I'm likely to suffer from a fair few things. I also know due to my weight I'm more likely to suffer from a whole host of other things. Visiting my Grandparents recently has also reminded me of how you slow down when you are older, definitely not something I am looking forward to!

Another thing about getting old that scares me is losing the people I love. I've been very lucky so far in my life to not lose any of my family. This day can hold off for as long as it likes!

Another thing I'm afraid of on a slightly less depressing level is graduating and having to enter the real world! I just love being a student far too much to even consider working in the real world and not studying till stupid times. However I do like to work so maybe this one won't be half as bad as expected?
