Why I hate Christmas

1 - I have to live at home. Now as much as I love my parents I cannot stand living with them. We're all so similar and sarcastic that it soon turns into who can chip in the last snide comment.

2 - It's an excuse to eat lots. This is all well and good except the fact that I'm trying to lose weight not put it on..with cheese and chocolate so readily available it's not possible.

3 - The token argument. This year, is a potato a vegetable?

4 - I don't know people around here. Means I spend many hours sat in the house...doing nothing

5 - I don't know what is around here. Again meaning I don't do a lot.

6 - I'm too skint to have my own car so I have to ask to use the car. It's nice to be able to get out but see numbers 4 and 5.

7 - It seems so far away to the next student loan. I'm skint so even if I knew people or what there was I'd still have number 6 to deal with and number 7 limits this greatly.

8 - Exams are getting close. So although numbers 4,5,6 and 7 help...I'm freaking out and having to actually do work at this time.

9 - Graduation is getting closer. I'm worrying about what I am going to do with my life.

10 - TV. There's so much crap to watch it's easy to spend the whole day doing so then remembering number 8.

11 - Getting told what to do. At uni I can do what I want when I want to. So if that means doing my washing up at 4am that's fine. Not so much here...

12 - Having to ask for permission. I'm 21 years old and asking if it's okay if I... makes me feel like I'm about 10 again.
