Body Image Series - What I dislike about my body

Although most of the posts in this series have been about improving confidence and banishing stereotypes there are things everyone doesn't like about their body.

My hair - It's taken me a lot of home kits and money to realise I actually like my hair how it is. However what I hate about it, it that it gets greasy so quickly and it's really fine so if I bother to style it in anyway other than straightening it it soon drops out and just looks silly.

My height - I'm a little shorter than the average height for a female in the UK but I really feel if I was even only a couple of inches taller that I'd look slimmer (I'm probably kidding myself but who knows!?) and it would also mean that I'd not have to consider heels on a night out!

The size of my hips. It's probably not helped by the fact a lot of my fat is carried in that area but sometimes when I catch a glimpse of myself in a reflection I double take because I forgot just how wide I was.

My feet. I'm not the biggest fan of feet in the first place but mine are particularly weird/ I have really long toes that are all the same length except my little toe and they are all gangly and just gross.

Stretch marks. I know we all have them but because I'm a serial yo-yo dieter I've never seen any quite like mine. They're like tiger stripes and make me feel really awkward. This probably wasn't helped by the fact I was once at the doctors who subtly said 'Oh, how long have you had these for?'

My thighs. My thighs are best friends and there will never be any sign of a thigh gap..ever. This makes wearing some clothes I like really difficult. I have to wear tights or leggings to prevent the dreaded chub rub however some outfits just don't go with either of the above.
