A little blogging holiday

Although I love blogging and it's been a great outlet for stress relief in times of need and a way to keep me going over the long summer, that summer has suddenly come to a very abrupt end and all of the assignments etc have come all at once. This has lead to me disappearing from the bloggosphere for a while and I miss it! I even managed to miss my Monday body image series post this week that I'm so passionate about.

Soo, I'm just going to try and post a couple of times a week one will be my Monday series and the other either make up related or just updating you with how my last year of uni is going. I am going to try really hard this year to keep on top of uni work and get work in before the deadlines but I'm not entirely sure how that's gonna go and I don't want my blog to completely drop because of that.

When my body image series finishes is there another series you guys want to see? Let me know!
