Slimming World | It all went a little bit wrong!
So at the end of the twelve week count down I had bought form group, instead of going back and carrying on I might have fallen off the wagon...just a little bit.
I realised I had things planned every week for next however many weeks and decided I didn't really want to pay money for someone to tell me each of those weeks that I'd put on weight. Also with moving house soon there are things in the house I maybe wouldn't always eat but that have been there a while that I'd like to use up before I move. Soo for those reasons and the fact I had lost motivation I decided to have a break.
Now being honest with myself, I've not really been watching what I've been eating.. I've just been having whatever and enjoying it. Especially this week with it being my birthday and being away I've just tried not to worry too much.
But my break away has made me realise (After some nice comments about the weight I've lost and being able to go into a shop and pick up a 16 straight away) that actually although yes I'm happier and feel better for what I have lost...that I still definitely do want to lose more weight and get back to at least my pre uni weight.
I've not weighed myself in about a month and so the idea of getting back to it all scares me a lot. I'm not sure how much I'll have put on but I will be surprised if it's less than half a stone. I'm going to give myself until I'm properly into my new place and then I want to get back to it 100%! It would be so nice to be at my pre uni weight for Christmas (Which scarily is not all that far away!).
I'm not upset with myself for letting things slide this time though, I'm still a heck of a lot lighter than my heaviest weight and I am going to get back to it before I reverse all the good I've done! After all I'm only human and I love my food so this was bound to happen sooner or later.
I realised I had things planned every week for next however many weeks and decided I didn't really want to pay money for someone to tell me each of those weeks that I'd put on weight. Also with moving house soon there are things in the house I maybe wouldn't always eat but that have been there a while that I'd like to use up before I move. Soo for those reasons and the fact I had lost motivation I decided to have a break.
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