Ironically the reason (or one of) I've been neglecting my blog is to organise a blogging event. Way back when, I toyed with the idea of organising something..then decided I could never do it alone so it got put aside. However more recently I found out the lovely
Courtney also wanted to organise something and so the planning began!
Many meetings occurred between me, Courtney and
Charley deciding what we all wanted from the we could work together to make the event happen and so on and so forth.
A note to anyone thinking of organising an event.. Even if you start planning months ahead, there's lots to do. When you think a week before the event you're almost probably aren't. There is absolutely no way on earth I could have planned this all alone and even with the shared job load I'm not entirely sure I'd want to do it again! Having said all that, the meet was a success (I hope) and people did seem to enjoy themselves. We focused a large part of the meet just mingling - I often find I love an event, get home and realise I didn't speak to many people I didn't know! We had a photo booth (which didn't want to play ball) and some social media activities too.

Our raffle was raising money for Purple House, a local women's charity. We raised £60 for them and also managed to take along quite a lot of clothes and bits and bobs to be used either by the women or to be sold in their shop to make more funds. They're currently raising money to build a new centre as the one they are in now 'rattles when the buses go past'.
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