Birthday Haul - Part two
Although it's now been an age since my 21st I realised the other day I forgot to post the second part of my haul!
I wanted to try to do something different with my hair other than straightening it so a curling wand seemed a good idea - I'm useless at using straighteners to curl my hair!
As a kid playing on sims was a way I spend literally hours of my life. Seeing as sims4 came out a few days before my birthday my boyfriend pre-ordered it for the day it came out and even let me open it early! He also got me the book Paper towns by John Green. I've not yet read this but I'm super excited to.
I also got a book on alternative fashion from one of the girls I live with. It's got some really interesting concepts in however I've not yet tried any of them out!
I got two more books that are part of a trilogy - I already had the first. They're from the Divergent series which is a similar theory to the Hunger games but better. They're very much a teen/young adult series but I am really enjoying reading them so far. (Only one pictured as the other one is being borrowed by someone else who is into the series!)
Finally make up. I got quite a few items of make up including a really cute make up case. I also got three Mac lipsticks - Heroine, Cyber and Rebel (anyone sensing a theme?!). The final bit of make up I got was the Benefit they're real mascara and push up liner kit.
I got wine and chocolate off the guys I live with - they know me too well! I cannot include a picture of this as obviously...It's all gone!
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