Food | Monthly shop
This month money is tight. I've got leftover money from being paid at the end of September to live on with all the usual bills, rent etc to pay for. After working out how little money I had left for the month, I budgeted £50 for food for the month (Yes, I know that's not a lot) and here is what I got with that money.
Frozen: I already have LOADS of freezer food, hence £50 being enough for the month so I just got a couple of pies and some ready made chips. Both things I'd not normally buy but thought would be good freezer stores and quick lazy food.

Tins and jars: Most of these have been bought with specific recipes in mind however tinned food is very useful as takes up little space, lasts ages and is cheap.

Treats: Although I am trying to eat less food like this I have to buy some otherwise I'll go mad. This to last a month will be a challenge but it'll do me good to not be eating/drinking these everyday.

Fruit and salad: Fresh food is what I miss soooo much when I'm skint. This will hopefully last quite a while. Hoping to get lots of smoothies out of the fruit to keep me full in the mornings and the salad can bulk out meals like chicken to get some healthy in there too!

Veg: I was going to buy all frozen vegetables but I have a lot of stuff in the freezer currently so bought some fresh stuff instead this time. Nothing too exciting...

Potatoes and onions: Not a lot to say about that, staples and cheap and filling.

Dairy and meat: Eggs are a firm favourite at the moment, I love egg on toast for breakfast as it fills me up and is cheap. Mozzarella I'd not normally buy but have in find for a specific meal, bacon I wanted for a number of meals, the yoghurt is just to go with fruit and to put in a soup I want to make. Cheddar and milk again are staples.

Cupboard: My pepper in my current pepper mill has almost run out and sadly it is not one I can fill. Cous cous I'd usually buy in packets already flavoured but thought I'd have a go at making it myself and see what happens. The risotto rice is for a tomato risotto I want to try and make I saw on the TV.
Although this may seem like a lot of food for one person I do expect this to last me at least till the end of the month - hopefully a little longer. I might even do some menu of the week type posts if I remember to take pictures.
why are you ordering from Waitrose if money's that tight...?
ReplyDeleteI actually ordered from Ocado. There are cheaper places to order from you are right however I got a lot of good deals in this and think I might have got some money off (I can't remember!)