Life | My birthday!

EDIT: For some reason this post didn't go live when it was meant to!

A couple of weekends ago as you may know was my 22nd birthday. 22 isn't really a big birthday but it is still a birthday and I decided rather than doing nothing I would invite some friends round.

As my usual self and liking to host I put on some food, unsure of how many people would turn up I'm still eating leftovers... Three days later! (Obviously not now... two weeks later :P)

There was also jelly, cookies and biscuits that I made too! 

The biscuits icing went a bit lumpy! They still tasted good... 

I was lucky enough to receive lots of lovely presents and cards from both family and friends (post to follow). 

Although I didn't get to see some people who mean a lot to me on that day I still had a good day and enjoyed my day off work with other people who are big parts of my life. 
