I've always had pretty good skin..only the odd spot close to the time of the month and a little dry skin around my nose.
The spots I've had recently |
However recently my skin has decided it hates me. I've come out a couple of times in what I can only describe as bumpy skin. It looks horrible, it feels horrible, and it's impossible to cover with make up. Make up just highlights it and make it look like I'm a lizard or something - not a human.
My skin even feels rough to the touch and I've developed something I think is called milia. They're tiny little keratin filled bumps on my skin and I've no idea why I have them or what caused them. I've now had them a few months and I'm getting used to them but I still hate them and they're impossible to hide.
Milia that have developed |
My skin has also decided it's oily - something it's never been before. Oily skin means reapplying powder numerous times in the day to avoid looking like you've got the sweatiest face ever. It's not pleasant and it's not something I'd wish upon anyone.
This is my skin today - it's an awful picture but it shows how rough my skin looks and the spots that have appeared almost from nowhere! |
I believe this is due to the fact I strayed from my normal skin care routine. My minimal routine. The only skin care I've ever really done is removing my make up with a make up wipe (sorry?!) and then the occasional bit of moisturiser if my skin felt a little dried out. However I began to try toners and cleansers and other ways to remove my make up as I was always told it was so bad to remove make up with a wipe. However, since trying to do what I've been told is right my skins reacted in a way that's telling me it was happy with the make up wipes.
The search for the perfect skin care routine continues...
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